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Using Komodo DeFi Framework CLI in Console

For convenience, the standalone komodefi-cli binary is provided to be used for interacting with the Komodo DeFi Framework network from the command line.

Refer to https://github.com/KomodoPlatform/komodo-defi-framework?tab=readme-ov-file#building-from-source for instructions on installing dependencies and preparing your build environment.

Once it is ready, you can build the komodefi-cli binary by running the following command from the root folder of the project repository:

cargo build --manifest-path ./mm2src/komodefi_cli/Cargo.toml --out-dir $(pwd)/bin -Z unstable-options

We also add the bin directory to the PATH environment variable so that the komodefi-cli binary can be executed from any location.

export PATH=${PATH}:$(pwd)/bin

You can customize the default root directory for komodefi-cli by setting the KOMODEFI_CLI_ROOT environment variable. This allows you to specify a location for saving configuration files, binaries, and other related data.

export KOMODEFI_CLI_ROOT=$HOME/komodefi-cli

Before using the komodefi-cli binary, you need to download the Core API binary. Running the following command to download the latest release:

komodefi-cli mm2 download

For the komodefi-cli to work, you need to configure the Core API by setting the coins data and the information required for an MM2.json file. For more information, run the following command:

komodefi-cli init --help

Which will return

Config is not set
Initialize a predefined coin set and configuration to start mm2 instance with

Usage: komodefi-cli init [OPTIONS]

      --mm-coins-path <MM_COINS_PATH>  Coin set file path [default: coins] [aliases: coins]
      --mm-conf-path <MM_CONF_PATH>    mm2 configuration file path [default: MM2.json] [aliases: conf]
  -h, --help                           Print help

If you have an existing coins file and/or MM2.json file, you can use the --mm-coins-path and --mm-conf-path options to specify the file paths, as below.

komodefi-cli init --mm-coins-path /path/to/coins --mm-conf-path /path/to/MM2.json

Alternatively, run komodefi-cli init without any options to create the coins and MM2.json files interactively. Pressing enter for each option will use the default values. In the case of the mnemonic phrase, you can enter your own mnemonic phrase or press enter to use a newly generated one.

$ komodefi-cli init 
    Config is not set
    Start collecting mm2_cfg into: /home/smk762/komodefi-cli/MM2.json
    > gui is set by default: komodefi-cli
    > What is the network `mm2` is going to be a part, netid: 8762
    > What is the seed phrase: before device quantum scan agent gift sauce flame devote tiny ripple west
    > Allow weak password: No
    > What is the rpc_password: <tb+UD32
    > What is dbdir None
    > Use secure connection for rpc: No
    > What is rpcip: None
    > What is the rpcport: 7783
    > What is rpc_local_only: 
    > What is i_am_seed: 
    Reading seed nodes until tap enter is met
    > What is the next seednode: None
    > What is enable_hd: 
    mm2_cfg has been writen into: /home/smk762/komodefi-cli/MM2.json
    Getting coin set from: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/KomodoPlatform/coins/master/coins
    Got coins data, written into: /home/smk762/komodefi-cli/coins
    Start getting activation_scheme from: "/home/smk762/komodefi-cli/activation_scheme.json"
    Download activation_scheme from: https://stats.kmd.io/api/table/coin_activation/
    Initialization done

After the configuration is set, you can start the Core API by running komodefi-cli mm2 start. You can also use the --help option to see the available options for this command:

komodefi-cli mm2 start -help  
Start mm2 instance  
Usage: komodefi-cli mm2 start [OPTIONS]  
     --mm-conf-path <MM_CONF_PATH>    mm2 configuration file path [aliases: conf]  
     --mm-coins-path <MM_COINS_PATH>  Coin set file path [aliases: coins]  
     --mm-log <MM_LOG>                Log file path [aliases: log]  
 -h, --help                           Print help

For example, to start the Core API and save its runtime logs to ~/logs/mm2.log, you can run the following command:

$ komodefi-cli mm2 start --mm-log ~/logs/mm2.log  
> Set env MM_LOG as: ~/logs/mm2.log  
> Started child process: "mm2", pid: 459264

From here, you are ready to use the komodefi-cli binary to interact with the Komodo DeFi Framework network. You can use the --help option to see the available commands and options.

komodefi-cli --help 
Config is not set
Provides a CLI interface and facilitates interoperating to komodo defi platform through the mm2 service

Usage: komodefi-cli <COMMAND>

  init                Initialize a predefined coin set and configuration to start mm2 instance with
  config              Manage rpc_password and mm2 RPC URL
  mm2                 Manage mm2 instance commands
  coin                Coin commands: enable, disable etc.
  wallet              Wallet commands: balance, withdraw etc.
  sell                Put a selling request
  buy                 Put a buying request
  set-price           Place an order on the orderbook. The setprice order is always considered a sell
  update-maker-order  Update order on the orderbook [aliases: update]
  order               Order listing commands: book, history, depth etc. [aliases: orders]
  swaps               Swap related commands [aliases: swap]
  cancel              Cancel one or many orders
  utility             Utility commands [aliases: util, pubkeys, pubkey]
  message             Message signing commands: sign, verify)
  network             Network commands
  version-stat        Version statistic commands [aliases: stat, vstat]
  task                Tracking the status of long-running commands
  help                Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -h, --help     Print help
  -V, --version  Print version

For more details and examples of commands available in komodefi-cli, refer to the komodefi-cli documentation within the Komodo DeFi Framework repository.