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The Komodo DeFi Framework API allows for simple bot trading via the start_simple_market_maker_bot method. This method takes as input a url to a price service, and configuration parameters of the pair to trade at a defined spread percentage value. It will update orders every 30 seconds (or higher values if defined with the bot_refresh_rate parameter).

Note: If using a custom prices API endpoint, please ensure it conforms to the same schema as the url in the example.

For convenience, an online tool for generating configs is available.

price_urlslistOptional. A list of URLs serving price data in JSON format. During each update loop, price data will be sourced from the first working URL in the list. If not defined, a default list will be used.
bot_refresh_ratefloatBot loop interval in seconds (optional, 30 sec default)
cfg.namestringThe name assigned to this configuration (e.g. the pair being configured)
cfg.name.basestringTicker of the coin you wish to sell
cfg.name.relstringTicker of the coin you wish to buy
cfg.name.maxbooleanSet to true if you would like to trade your whole balance (optional)
cfg.name.max_volume.percentagestringPercentage of balance to trade (optional; can not use at same time as max_volume.usd; if greater than 1.0 max=true is implied)
cfg.name.max_volume.usdstringMaximum USD trade volume value to trade (optional; can not use at same time as max_volume.percentage; if greater than full balance max=true is implied)
cfg.name.min_volume.percentagestringMinimum percentage of balance to accept in trade (optional, can not use at same time as min_volume.usd)
cfg.name.min_volume.usdfloatMinimum USD trade volume of trades accepted for order (optional, can not use at same time as min_volume.percentage)
cfg.name.min_base_pricefloatMinimum USD price of base coin to accept in trade (optional)
cfg.name.min_rel_pricefloatMinimum USD price of rel coin to accept in trade (optional)
cfg.name.min_pair_pricefloatMinimum USD price of pair (base/rel) to accept in trade (optional)
cfg.name.spread**stringTarget price in relation to prices API value
cfg.name.base_confsintegernumber of required blockchain confirmations for base coin atomic swap transaction; default to base coin configuration if not set
cfg.name.base_notabooleanwhether dPoW notarization is required for base coin atomic swap transaction; default to base coin configuration if not set
cfg.name.rel_confsintegernumber of required blockchain confirmations for rel coin atomic swap transaction; default to rel coin configuration if not set
cfg.name.rel_notabooleanwhether dPoW notarization is required for rel coin atomic swap transaction; default to base coin configuration if not set
cfg.name.enablebooleanBot will ignore this config entry if set to false
cfg.name.price_elapsed_validityfloatWill cancel current orders for this pair and not submit a new order if last price update time has been longer than this value in seconds (optional; defaults to 5 minutes)
cfg.name.check_last_bidirectional_trade_thresh_holdbooleanWill readjust the calculated cex price if a precedent trade exists for the pair (or reversed pair), applied via a VWAP logic (optional; defaults to false)
  • Percentage values are within the range of 0-1, such that 0.25 = 25%
  • For spread, a value of 1.05 equates to 5% over the value returned from the prices API url.
  • At least one of the optional fields max, max_volume.usd or max_volume.percentage must be present, or orders will not be placed.

As demonstrated below, multiple configs can be included within the same command. It is recommended to not exceed 500-1000 simultaneous orders placed to avoid decreased performance.

In the example below, the first config lets the bot know we want to:

  • Sell DASH in exchange for KMD
  • Use whole of available DASH balance, with minimum trade volume accepted as 25% of your balance
  • Sets the sell price at 2.5% over the value returned from the prices API (spread).
  • Only accepts values from the prices API that have been updated within the last 30 seconds
  • Waits for 3 confirmations and does not wait for a notarisation to progress to the next steps in the atomic swap process
  • Checks trade history within the local Komodo DeFi Framework API database to never create trades with a sell price that is less than the average trading price.

The second config tells the bot to:

  • Sell DASH in exchange for DGB
  • Trade at most 50% of your DASH balance, with minimum trade volume accepted at least $20 USD.
  • Only place an order when the DASH price is $250 USD or more.
  • Sets the sell price at 4% over the value returned from the prices API (spread).
  • Only accepts values from the prices API that have been updated within the last 60 seconds
  • Waits for 1 confirmation and does not wait for a notarisation to progress to the next steps in the atomic swap process
  • Ignores your trade history and average trading price, creating/updating orders regardless.

The third config tells the bot to:

  • Sell DASH in exchange for LTC
  • Trade at most $500 USD worth of DASH, with minimum trade volume accepted at least $50 USD.
  • Only place an order when the DASH price is $250 USD or more.
  • Sets the sell price at 5% over the value returned from the prices API (spread).
  • Only accepts values from the prices API that have been updated within the last 60 seconds
  • Waits for 1 confirmation and does not wait for a notarisation to progress to the next steps in the atomic swap process
  • Ignores your trade history and average trading price, creating/updating orders regardless.

  "userpass": "RPC_UserP@SSW0RD",
  "mmrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "start_simple_market_maker_bot",
  "params": {
    "price_urls": [
    "bot_refresh_rate": 60,
    "cfg": {
      "DASH/KMD": {
        "base": "DASH",
        "rel": "KMD",
        "max": true,
        "min_volume": {
          "percentage": "0.25"
        "spread": "1.025",
        "base_confs": 3,
        "base_nota": false,
        "rel_confs": 3,
        "rel_nota": false,
        "enable": true,
        "price_elapsed_validity": 30,
        "check_last_bidirectional_trade_thresh_hold": true
      "DASH/DGB": {
        "base": "DASH",
        "rel": "DGB",
        "min_volume": {
          "usd": "20"
        "min_base_price": "250",
        "spread": "1.04",
        "base_confs": 1,
        "base_nota": false,
        "rel_confs": 1,
        "rel_nota": false,
        "enable": true,
        "price_elapsed_validity": 60,
        "check_last_bidirectional_trade_thresh_hold": false
      "DASH/LTC": {
        "base": "DASH",
        "rel": "LTC",
        "max_volume": {
          "usd": "500"
        "min_volume": {
          "usd": "50"
        "min_base_price": "250",
        "spread": "1.04",
        "base_confs": 1,
        "base_nota": false,
        "rel_confs": 1,
        "rel_nota": false,
        "enable": true,
        "price_elapsed_validity": 60,
        "check_last_bidirectional_trade_thresh_hold": false
  "id": 0

As we have \"bot_refresh_rate\": 60, in the above command, our bot loop will update order prices every 60 seconds, as long as the price service returns data that is no more than 30 seconds old (for DASH/KMD) or no more than 60 seconds old (for DASH/DGB).